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‘Tidy-up’ pupil cards (Ref: SB563)
A set of cards showing different areas in your classroom that may need tidying.  These can be given to children on a daily/weekly basis to make them responsible for tidying the classroom.  Each card has space to write the child’s name.
Who has played... posters (Ref: SB1639)
A set of A4 sheets to print and laminate where children can sign their name when they have carried out activities during the day.  A good way of encouraging children with their name writing, as well as keeping a record of who has been where.
End of day prayer posters (Ref: SB1204)
A set of 11 posters featuring common ‘end of day’ prayers.
Did we tidy up? posters (Ref: SB1393)
A set of 5 simple posters to act as prompts at the end of the school day - is our classroom tidy?
Tidying inside or outside posters (Ref: SB1435)
Three printable posters plus editable name cards where pupils can move their name onto the ‘Inside’ or ‘Outside’ sheet depending on where they are tidying.
Home-time reminder cards (Ref: SB1697)
Use these to create a display to remind pupils of what to take home with them each day.  You could change the cards depending on the season, or even alter daily.
End of the day routine classroom resources
What I did today... home communication cards
(Ref: SB7690)
Printable cards to use with children who find communicating difficult.  They choose and stick pictures onto their communication cards and take them home to show their parents what they did during the day.  Aimed at nursery/preschool level.
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Bump notes (Ref: SB5169)
Printable notes to send home when children have a bump at school.  Includes colour and black and white versions.
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Home-time reminder signs (Ref: SB8565)
A set of printable signs for your cloakroom to remind children which things they should take home with them.