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Here’s how to uninstall our toolbar should you wish to:
Internet Explorer
If you installed the toolbar to Internet Explorer, you can uninstall it using the 'Add/Remove Programs' feature in Control Panel as follows:

1.  Click your Start Menu
2.  Select Control Panel and then Programs and Features (or Add/Remove Programs in older versions of Windows).
3.  Find SparkleBox Toolbar in the list and click 'Remove' or 'Uninstall'.
4.  You may also wish to change your browser’s homepage.  We have instructions on this here.

1.  In Firefox, click the orange 'Firefox' menu at the very top left of the window and select 'Add-ons'.
2. Click the 'Extensions' tab on the left and locate the SparkleBox Toolbar in the list.
3. Click the 'Remove' button and our toolbar will be uninstalled.
4.  You may also wish to change your browser’s homepage.  We have instructions on this here.

Google Chrome
1. In Chrome, right-click the SparkleBox ‘SB’ logo near the top-right of the browser window.
2. Select ‘Uninstall’ from the menu.

If you can’t see the SparkleBox ‘SB’ logo, try the following:

1. In Chrome, click the wrench button near the top-right of the browser window.
2. Select ‘Tools’ from the menu and then ‘Extensions’.
3. Find SparkleBox in the list of extensions and click the bin/trash icon to remove it.

Safari (on Mac)
1. Open your ‘Applications’ folder.
2. Select the ‘Toolbars’ folder and then ‘SparkleBox’.
3. Double-click ‘uninstall’ and the toolbar will be removed from your system.

Please contact us if your question is not answered.
How do I uninstall your toolbar?
HOME > FAQs > Uninstalling the toolbar