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Symmetrical mirror pictures (small) (Ref: SB265)
A PDF document with colour symmetrical half-pictures for children to complete by placing a mirror against the line.  3 pictures to a page.
Symmetrical mirror pictures (large) (Ref: SB266)
A PDF document with colour symmetrical half-pictures which can be completed by placing a mirror against the line.  2 pictures to a page, great for whole-class demonstrations.
Patterned hearts (Ref: SB2114)
Great for maths pattern sorting activities and symmetry.  Also, can be used for PSHE ‘heart partners’.  Cut the hearts in half and give each child one half.  They then find their ‘heart partner’ for the week.
Symmetry display banner (Ref: SB3360)
A colourful banner for your ‘Symmetry’ display.
Symmetry mirror pictures (Ref: SB3998)
A set of colourful half-pictures with mirror lines for children to complete using a mirror.  3 pictures to a page.
Symmetry resources
Football pitch symmetry activity (Ref: SB7221)
A set of printable activity sheets where children arrange toppings on the pizzas to make them symmetrical.
Symmetrical Autumn leaf matching activity
(Ref: SB6434)
A set of symmetrical Autumn leaves that can be cut in half for children to match the halves together.
Pizza toppings symmetry activity (Ref: SB7138)
A set of printable activity sheets where children arrange toppings on the pizzas to make them symmetrical.
Butterfly symmetry activity (Ref: SB7927)
A set of printable activity sheets where children arrange coloured shapes on the butterflies to make them symmetrical.
Blank coloured ladybirds/beetles (Ref: SB7971)
A set of A4-sized blank (no spots) ladybirds/beetles in a variety of colours.  Great for all sorts of uses: maths counter games, symmetry activities, pupil sticker (spots) reward cards, colour recognition and more!
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Symmetrical Christmas objects mirror pictures
(Ref: SB9079)
Symmetrical half-pictures of various Christmas objects for children to complete by placing a mirror against the line.
Symmetrical Christmas objects matching activity
(Ref: SB9080)
A set of symmetrical Christmas objects that can be cut in half for children to match the halves together.
Symmetrical snowflakes mirror pictures (Ref: SB9149)
Symmetrical half-pictures of various snowflakes for children to complete by placing a mirror against the line.
Symmetrical snowflakes matching activity
(Ref: SB9150)
A set of symmetrical snowflakes that can be cut in half for children to match the halves together.
Other versions:
Symmetrical Autumn leaf mirror pictures (Ref: SB3175)
Symmetrical half-pictures of various Autumn leaves for children to complete by placing a mirror against the line.