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Tens Frames Resources Resources
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Themed Tens Frames (SB3963)

Printable tens frames themed with different creatures.  Great for use when teaching children ways of making numbers to ten and number bonds/number complements to 10.

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Blank Tens Frames (SB3964)

Simple printable blank tens frames grids.  Great for use when teaching children ways of making numbers to ten and number bonds/number complements to 10.

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Dotted Tens Frames (SB4826)

A large set of printable tens frames with different combinations of dots on each frame for numbers from 1 up to 10.

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Animal Bus Addition/Subtraction Activity (SB626)

A great activity to reinforce addition or subtraction.  There are ten windows on the bus.  Children can place different animals ‘window’ cards onto and off the bus.

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Available in Welsh Available in German
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Pirate Ship Addition/Subtraction Activity (SB10324)

A great activity to reinforce addition or subtraction.  There are ten spaces on the ship.  Children can place pirates onto and off the ship for simple addition and subtraction.

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Aeroplane Addition/Subtraction Activity (SB10357)

A great activity to reinforce addition or subtraction.  Aeroplanes with five/ten spaces on them.  Children can place passengers onto and off the plane for simple addition and subtraction.

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Dotted Tens Frames Number Bonds (for 10) (SB10081)

Simple printable tens frames with red and black dots in different combinations that make 10.

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Interactive Tens Frame (SBi4)

A simple click-and-drag tens frame where children can move the blue and red counters in different combinations that make 10.

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Dotted Fives Frames Number Bonds (SB12202)

Simple printable fives frames with blue and black dots in different combinations that make 5.

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Dotted Fives Frames (SB12203)

A set of printable fives frames with different combinations of dots on each frame for numbers from 1 up to 5.

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Blank Fives Frames (SB12204)

Simple printable blank fives frames grids.  Great for use when teaching children ways of making numbers to ten and number bonds/number complements to 5.

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Themed Fives Frames (SB12205)

Printable fives frames themed with different creatures.  Great for use when teaching children ways of making numbers to ten and number bonds/number complements to 5.

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Making 10 Worksheets (SB12207)

A set of worksheets where children find ways of making 10 and complete the number sentences using tens frames.

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Making 5 Worksheets (SB12206)

A set of worksheets where children find ways of making 5 and complete the number sentences using fives frames.

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Interactive Tens Frame with Number Sentences (SBi13)

A simple click-and-drag tens frame where children can move the blue and red counters in different combinations that make 10 on the tens frame and drag the numbers to complete the number sentence.

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Interactive Fives Frame (SBi12)

A simple click-and-drag tens frame where children can move the blue and red counters in different combinations that make 5.

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Tens Frames Loop Cards (SB12350)

A set of follow-on cards featuring tens frames and the question, 'How many more to make 10?'

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Tens Frame Dominoes (SB12403)

A set of small printable cut-out dominoes featuring tens frames with spots arranged from 0 up to 10.

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